Friday, August 15, 2014

Happy Friday!!!

Happy Friday!! We get french fries after school on Fridays. The big guy and baby bear are really excited! I got the big guy and new lunch box with a rocket ship on it, I had no idea he would be that elated! I also got  him teddy bear shaped freeze bags to keep his things cold, he may love those more. He couldn't wait to show his friends and teachers!

I had a sitter last night while I went to fund-raiser dinner. It was the big guy's nanny from about a year ago. She went off and got married after she graduated college. We haven't seen her in about a year, she couldn't believe the progress that the big guy has made!!! So awesome to have someone notice all his progress since they haven't seen him in a while.

My husband is supposed to come home from a business trip today, the boys and I miss him lots. He won't get home until the boys are asleep, but they will be glad to wake him up in the morning!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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