Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Off to the witching hours.....

About to go get the kids from school, training a new nanny to help me in the afternoons since my husband works about 80 hours a week. It's tough letting someone new in your world. How will they handle a meltdown? What if she gives the big guy the wrong cup? What if both boys cry until bathtime because its just one of those days? Is baby bear's asthma better, can she handle it? Can she take care of both of them even though they like to do different activities? The usual "what ifs". I have been fortunate to find some great help, this one is working so far:) Hope you all have an easy "witching hour(s)"!! Ours is 5pm-7pm. Both boys are tired from school, hungry, fussy, and both want my undivided attention; its a thin slice of heaven.  I'm sure you know the drill :)

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