Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Touche', Universe, Touche'

Touche' Universe!!! Just as I think "Why, Universe, Why me?" "Poor Me"

I have been only thinking of myself lately, and for that I apologize. I feel guilty for not taking the time to see what other people in my life could be going through. 
I have been worrying about my family, my life, my job, my kids, me, me, my, mine. 

In all that worrying about me and what I want and what works best for me, I lost sight of others. 

Everyone bears their crosses. You never know what someone has been through or is going through.  People make assumptions about others behaviors that may not be accurate. People are quick to judge. People are not quick to apologize, show compassion for others. Think of others. Do for others. 

The Universe/God/whomever you see as a significant higher power, is there for us. The universe is fair and just. We must be compassionate for others. Sit and watch and wait. Be patient. It is not always our "turn". This is a lesson my Mother has been trying to teach me and show me, but this latest experience has let me live it. And I am so grateful for that. 

We all want to be heard, loved, and be shown compassion and understanding of us.  

We can only control ourselves, we can't control anything else in the universe. Go with the flow, look for beauty in all things. Be grateful for the gifts we are given, for what we already have. Yes, we all have good days and bad days. It is easy to stay in your own little world. But try to be open to others. Take a step back, take a deep breath. Look at the world around you. God is in all things. Plants, a butterfly that may pass you, a flower that has newly bloomed. Find peace and comfort and nature. In yoga, it is said that the first ray of light to come up is the most powerful of the day. It is when we are all starting over, even the planet. If you pray/meditate/observe while watching this, you will absorb the earths energy, the openness, the goodness, a new day, a new chance. 

My Mother has always said "be the tree". And now I see what she means 

Look at a tree. Be the tree. A tree is there. Going with the flow of the wind. Absorbing the rain. Accepting what is. The tree is here, in the now. 

Of course, this is easier said than done, but every second of every day is an opportunity to do something different, to change one thing. All we have is now, this second, this moment. We never know when our time is up. What will you do to make every second count? 

Thank you so much Mother!!

And to the universe, I say again, touche', well played. Thank you for showing me what is. 

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful, wise woman comes of age. Yes. Yes to All. Fiat.
