Sunday, April 26, 2015

Super Soul Sunday

Today is about Gratitude for me.

I am grateful for my friends, family, and all of the blessings bestowed upon us. It is not always easy to see the blessings, sometimes they look more like curses. Beyond the light, beyond the struggle, beyond the tears, you are able to see the blessings. Sometimes all you can see is the dark, but there is light, you just have to wait for it. "This too shall pass" is a sentence I try to remember in these times.

And it does pass, the sun always comes out, and it always gets better. Maybe not exactly as fast as we hope, but it always comes. It always gets better.

I am so thankful for the support I receive. I could not do this alone. I am thankful for every babysitter, family, and friends that have helped us get a break, enjoy a night out, or least get one kid down from the ceiling while I get the other one crying off  the floor.

I am thankful to be able to help others. Along this journey, you meet people on different parts of the path. Some have just started, some are in shock or disbelief, and some are way ahead of you. I remember the beginning, and it was hard, really hard. It is very rewarding to now be able to spot a newbie from across the room and ask if they need help. :)

THANK YOU to everyone that is a part of my life, helped me, comforted me, and let me know I am not alone. I am eternally grateful for all of the gifts and blessings in my life.


  1. Thankful for mommy days off! Thankful for mommy friends.

  2. SO VERY THANKFUL FOR MOMMY FRIENDS!!!! MOMMIES NEED DAYS OFF TOO!!! Thank you for being part of all of my days, the good and the bad :)
