Saturday, April 18, 2015

I'm baaaack....

It's been a while. It's been a tough road these last 6 or so months. But I'm back. I'm back to share our story. I'm back to hopefully make your journey a little easier or at least to make each other laugh! 

Little Travis is back too;) has hasn't been sleeping very much these last weeks. Last night he woke up at 1:30am 
(as did I ); and we are both still up. The night before, 2:30 am seemed an appropriate time for his internal alarm clock to go off. Awesome. We are working on adjusting his schedule, but the more often this happens; I realize, this is how God made him. We can adjust melatonin and bedtimes, sound machines, night lights, black out shades, the works. He easily has nicer bedding than i do to entice him to stay in his bed as long as possible at night. But, this just may be how God made him. And that is cool with me. I'll have to figure out how to make this new early bird no sleep thing work for me, I'm open for ideas;) 

Townes will sleep a bit longer, fabulous. He's doing great! Talking up a storm! Climbing everything. Already had one set of stitches. He can't wait to go to school with big brother in June. We are working on potty training to make that happen. Travis' school has a neuro-typical integrated pre-k program, Townes will be part of This new program. We are all back. 

Starting swim lessons for both boys on Monday. Autism walk and soccer game cancelled today due to rain. Travis has been saying the word "autism" more often. As ironic as this is, he pronounces it "artism". We've repeated the word back with the correct pronunciation, but he says "no, thats how I say it". 

For a child who questions everything, he has not yet asked me what "artism" is. I'm prepared to answer. "It's just how God made you. Mommy has brown hair, you have blonde hair. God gave you a little something extra. God makes us all in his light with special gifts." Beyond that, I'm speechless, so cross your fingers this is the one time in his life, he doesn't ask more;)

Have a fabulous day! Talk to you soon...

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