Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Not So Great Days....

Yes, its been one of those days. I am thankful that they happen less often than they used to, but its been of those days. The days where no kids listen, they laugh at your requests, totally ignore the rules, you threaten everything in the book to take away, time out, the works. You give more attention, try distraction, re direct, referee the fights, positive reinforcement, and candy rewards. Nothing.

The kind of day that you think will never end. It rained a lot today. So after the storm, I let the boys run through the puddles and play in the mud. Even then, that only entertained them for so long. They normally will play all day in muddy puddles, but not this day.

This is the day full of "no", "I said don't do that", "Pleeassse don't do that", "I MEAN IT",, "okay fine, but just for five minutes" (out of pure desperation); they hear- wha wha wha wha- straight out of Charlie Brown's teacher. So I'm left with deep breaths, counting to ten, knowing this is just part of children and they aren't doing this to make you cry.

I am beyond blessed to have help on the weekends, and even then, it was one of those days. They wanted "mommy to do it". I've spent more time than usual with the kids this week with swim lessons, so I thought for sure, they would give Mommy a break today. So it can't be they haven't had enough time with me.

 Some days parents patience is low because of all the other things going on in our lives. Sometimes the Xanax doesn't feel as strong as it did yesterday. We have other concerns- money, bills, school, chores, career, rest, me time, cooking, etc. Its a tough balancing act that constantly needs adjusting.

The day is coming to a close and I still hear "Mommy, Mommy. Mommy, Mommy , Mommy, Mommy" in the background. They are tearing up boxes as we try to organize and put clothes away that no longer fit. Trying my best to write blog (my therapy for the day), and meet their needs. Bath time comes soon, and then bed time. I am counting the seconds.

For everyone who is having or has had these days, the days do end...eventually. The good days far outweigh  the bad. The children are more well behaved than non well behaved days. They mean no harm. They are just children. It is extremely hard to remember these things in the moment when they have colored the walls, thrown food on the floor, screaming "no" at you, and the million other things children do as just, children.

Praying for all of us that bedtime magically comes sooner than expected. I wish you a good nights sleep for you and your children. These days are fewer than more, and this too shall pass. Tomorrow is another day for new beginnings. Sweet dreams to all.


  1. My children are perfect. They eat their vegetables, share their toys, never hit each other, clean their rooms and always say their manners. #saidnomomever
    For real, my child flooded my house. Jacob terrorized Elle when she was a baby. Now Elle is his size and she terrorizes him to the point that we have to tell his teachers why he has a black eye or scratch on his face - sibling rivalry. And I'm not going to pretend I try to get them to eat vegetables. The closest we get is lettuce and green beans from a can. It's not worth the fight anymore. When I get concerned about what they eat, I remind myself that some children have no food at all and one day they will eat more greens. It's a battle I chose to let go. Just like I now let them fight with each other. If I didn't I would be insane. #chooseyourbattles
    Great article. Would love to hear more examples of how you win battles because as of now my children are winning the vegetable battle.

  2. Parenting is NOT an easy job for sure, I'll let you know about that veggie battle as soon as I have the answer for why toddlers ask "why?" at least a million times a day, even if you have given them the answer twenty times that hour already! I swear they have a quota they are reporting back to their friends! :)
