Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday Beignets, Bathing Suit Season, and Kate Middleton

Weighted  Issues....

 Every Sunday we get beignets. The boys love them, and who doesn't? Our kitchen turns white with powdered sugar and all are happy. As I am eating my 3rd one, I see pictures of Kate Middleton a few days at most post delivery, and she looks perfect. No swelling? Where is her stomach? HEELS???? I admittedly put full make up on before both sections and the day after I had the boys. But the rest of me, was a hot mess! I am really happy for her and know she has a team of people to make her look like that, but OMG, really?!?! Now we are expected to be perfect after delivering a kid too?!?!? 

Bathing suit season is now upon us. In the last 18 months I have struggled GREATLY with my weight. I have gone from "cant lose the last of the baby weight", to too thin,  to now bigger than I am used to, and bigger than my bikinis allow. Is it time for a one piece? The bathing suit dress? The mom skirt? I have worked hard on self love in these past 18 months as well. I have come to a comfortable spot in my head, regardless of weight. I have been happier lately than in many moons. I have worked on my blog, focused on how to help other special needs parents, and have had a general sense of calm that is greatly welcomed! I have eaten the extra donut, drank the real coke, treated myself to rewards I deserve. I have been HAPPY!! And it feels AMAZING!!

I went to the pool for the first time this season and would not take my cover up off. There it was, all my hard work on self love, hanging in the balance for the pressure to be bathing suit ready. My self confidence went from sky high to feeling deflated. Am I really going to let this upset my newly found happiness? Simple answer; NO. Tough reality; I am doing my best every day to take care of myself and my thoughts. "Today I embrace all the beauty inside of me."

Google "Dad Bod"- there are tons of articles of how that's the new "in thing" for men. No pressure, you are a dad, the Dad Bod allows for more than imperfections. Who's going to help me start the "Mom Bod" trend? Complete with tummy, cellulite, and stretch marks for all to see. Hot and Sexy!

So what do we do ladies? Easier said than done for me and I'm sure for others, LOVE YOURSELF! BE KIND TO YOURSELF! Focus on what makes you happy. Focus on your strengths. Its a tough balance for sure. But do what makes you HAPPY!! I find the stresses of everyday life easier to handle when I'm happy. When I am comfortable in my own skin. When I am confident in what I do and who I am. Be the best you that you can be. 


Friday, May 1, 2015

I mustache you a question....

Who is happy its Friday?!?!?! 

I could not help myself, I love this picture of my Travis! He is being silly at school :) We finished swim lessons yesterday, thank goodness! And yes, I should have brought my own Vodka for the snowball! The first half of the "parents day to watch", we were both crying. He had an amazing coach who was very sweet and never made him do anything, he let Travis get in on his own. Travis could see me, but of course I had sunglasses on. It was so hard to not go rescue him. But he did it! On his own! He got in the water, swam to his coach, and really learned some swimming skills. I could not be more proud of this angel! He got McDonald's and pizza for dinner. Big Travis had gone to a local toy store to buy the perfect solar system toys for him, (his new favorite subject). The Travis' came home together while I stayed and swam with Townes. He was a very happy and very tired boy last night. He was in a fabulous mood this morning, it was the first swim day at school for the summer season. There was a huge water slide jumpy at school we saw as we drove through the carpool line. Poor Townes was sad he could not go with brother, but he will get to go in June :) It has been a crazy week and I am glad its over. Although it ended great, it was very emotional and stressful. 
So proud of my guys! Have a great weekend! Hug your little ones tight tight!