Weighted Issues....
Bathing suit season is now upon us. In the last 18 months I have struggled GREATLY with my weight. I have gone from "cant lose the last of the baby weight", to too thin, to now bigger than I am used to, and bigger than my bikinis allow. Is it time for a one piece? The bathing suit dress? The mom skirt? I have worked hard on self love in these past 18 months as well. I have come to a comfortable spot in my head, regardless of weight. I have been happier lately than in many moons. I have worked on my blog, focused on how to help other special needs parents, and have had a general sense of calm that is greatly welcomed! I have eaten the extra donut, drank the real coke, treated myself to rewards I deserve. I have been HAPPY!! And it feels AMAZING!!
I went to the pool for the first time this season and would not take my cover up off. There it was, all my hard work on self love, hanging in the balance for the pressure to be bathing suit ready. My self confidence went from sky high to feeling deflated. Am I really going to let this upset my newly found happiness? Simple answer; NO. Tough reality; I am doing my best every day to take care of myself and my thoughts. "Today I embrace all the beauty inside of me."
Google "Dad Bod"- there are tons of articles of how that's the new "in thing" for men. No pressure, you are a dad, the Dad Bod allows for more than imperfections. Who's going to help me start the "Mom Bod" trend? Complete with tummy, cellulite, and stretch marks for all to see. Hot and Sexy!
So what do we do ladies? Easier said than done for me and I'm sure for others, LOVE YOURSELF! BE KIND TO YOURSELF! Focus on what makes you happy. Focus on your strengths. Its a tough balance for sure. But do what makes you HAPPY!! I find the stresses of everyday life easier to handle when I'm happy. When I am comfortable in my own skin. When I am confident in what I do and who I am. Be the best you that you can be.
Every woman on the face of the planet deals with these same issues but not many have the confidence to admit it. I threw away my scale a year ago. My kids broke my full length mirror so I have to stand on my tub if I want to see me from head to toe. Can't tell you the last time I have. I may have made a few parenting mistakes (letting my kids sleep in my bed) but I have told myself I would never use the word "fat" or talk negatively about my weight in front of my girls. I typically workout 3 times a week in the mornings before the entire world is awake. It's the hardest thing I've ever stuck to And requires getting up at 4:40. but I do it for myself. I do it to pay respect to my body, to be healthy, to control negative thoughts, to have me time, to defeat thoughts of quitting or laziness. But most importantly I do it for my children so that they can see positive attitude towards exercise. I know it resonates with them because LG wants workout clothes like mommy. The word fat is not allowed. Negative comments about my internal weight issues are simply not allowed. By anyone who enters my house. Why? "Happiest girls are the prettiest girls." Happy is finding balance between healthy eating and treating yourself. As you've said the struggle is real. But I've seen you become happier and prettier than ever. And ps. I eat donuts every Saturday am with my kids and have a real coke every day along with something chocolate every day. #proudofmymombod
ps. I'm 34 going on 24. I struggle with weight just like you and all women. Proud of you.