Me and My Guys

I am a working mother of 2 very special boys. I have been married for 7 years and I am 35 years old. This is our story. This is our world. I hope to share information that comfort others. I hope to make parents not so afraid of the "a word" diagnosis. I called Autism the "a-word" while we were waiting on our diagnosis, but I knew had autism. We have been through lots and learn more every day, I hope you can benefit from sharing our journey :)

 "Big Guy" is 5, has Autism, Apraxia, Sensory Processing Disorder, and Auditory Processing Disorder.
He was born after 3 days of labor complicated by meconium aspiration and an emergency c-section. He immediately was intubated in NICU. I had complications from my c-section and could not go see him. I met him 2 days later. He spent 3 days in NICU and then 2 days in comfort special care, then finally the last night in the hospital, he got to sleep in my room. I knew something was different about 9 months. Minimal eye contact, no babbling, he cried almost 24 hours a day. I just thought I had a fussy baby. By his 15 month visit, we decided to get him in speech therapy. He started at 17 months. Over the years, we have added occupational therapy, speech therapy, feeding therapy, and ABA therapy. He said his first word at 3- "yati"- it was his "mommy" :) He is hyperlexic and is extremely bright. He has made progress I never thought he would. We have him in a full day ABA therapy school along with his other therapies. He continues to progress.

"Baby Bear" is 2. He is neuro-typical, but does have a speech delay. He was ready to come to this world early! My water broke at 30 weeks, I was able to hang on until 32 weeks, when he was born. I got to meet him the day after I had him in the morning. He spent 30 days in the NICU. He is in a neuro-typical school and meeting all other milestones. He is rough and tough, but the sweetest little bear ever. He loves the big guy most in the world, the feeling is not always mutual. He goes to speech twice a week.

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