Monday, April 27, 2015

Mental Monday- Don't Forget to Take Care of You!

Mental illness does not necessarily mean a person running down the street naked screaming "I am an orange!" Mental illness is a very broad label for everything from temporary mild depression, like the "baby blues" or loss of a pet, to the person claiming to be an orange.

It is not a BAD thing. They are also illnesses that you can not see. This makes it even harder for people to "see" it and allow those that need treatment, seek it. There is a stigma about people who have poor mental health. They are "crazy", "lazy", "dramatic", and "they are just over reacting".  There is no shame in needing therapy or even medication to help you in these times. It does not mean you are weak, it means that you are strong enough to seek help when you need it. 

A study was done in the past few years that parents of children on the autism spectrum have the same stress level as a combat soldier. They are both huge jobs that take a lot out of you, but you need to take care of you to take care of others. You do not have to be a parent of a special needs child to feel immense stress!! I'm sure that's no secret to any of you :)

I have dealt with this personally at least since Travis was born. I have taken and am on medication. I go to therapy every week. I know how hard it can get, how dark things can look, and how hopeless you can feel. They are terrible feelings. Feelings that I could only deal with in therapy and with medication.

No one is a super hero. We all need help from other people, hence the phrase, "It takes a village". Literally, that is how babies were taken care of long ago. Families had huge support systems and everyone helped.

Today, take care of you. Whatever that means; exercise, sleep, watch tv, take a long bath, take deep breaths, a moment of silence, you get the picture. Recharge your battery. Seek help if you need it!!

I have attached an article on some quick and helpful stress relieving solutions. Be well:)


  1. Thank you for sharing. There are not enough confident women in the world who share their struggles on the Internet for all to see. Your confidence will transcend to Mr Artism. A very wise doctor told me when I had my first child, children do what you do, not necessarily what you tell them to do. So keep up the confidence!!

  2. Thank you lexi! I couldn't do it with out some "me" time. Love you!
